Decimals are just numbers. If you can tell that 47 is greater than 32, then you can tell that 0.47 is greater than 0.32
47 is the prime number greater than 43 and less than 52.
47% is greater than 4.7%
A number greater than 44 and less than 51 could include 45,46,47,48,49 or 50.
31, 37, 41, 43, 47 & 49.
Decimals are just numbers. If you can tell that 47 is greater than 32, then you can tell that 0.47 is greater than 0.32
It is 43
47 is the prime number greater than 43 and less than 52.
How about 52.5 as one example
The prime numbers that are greater than 31 but less than 50 are: 37, 41, 43 and 47.
41, 43, 47.
They are: 41 43 and 47
41, 43, and 47.
41 43 47.
31 37 41 43 47.
47% is greater than 4.7%
41 43 47 53 59 61