equivalent decimal for 13.087 = 13.0870
An equivalent decimal for 0.6 is 0.60. When adding a zero to the end of a decimal number without changing its value, it remains equivalent. This is because the zero represents a placeholder and does not affect the overall value of the number.
To get 70% of a number, multiply that given number to the decimal equivalent of 70% which is 0.7. Example: 70% of 5 = 0.7 * 5 = 3.5
find the decimal equivalent of -12/5 and 6 1/2
114/5= 11.8
decimal equivalent to 5/2 = 2.5
The decimal equivalent of 3 out of 5 is 0.6 or 0.60.
1/2 as a decimal number is written as 0.5 (equivalent to 5/10, which clearly reduces to 1/2)
decimal equivalent for 5 over 12 = 0.41675/12:= 5 ÷ 12= 0.4167 in decimal
equivalent decimal for 13.087 = 13.0870
.625 is the decimal equivalent of 5 over 8 (5/8).
To achieve the answer to what the decimal equivalent of the largest binary number with five places (or bits) is, work this equation: The formula is 2_ -1 where n is the number of bits. That will get you where you need to be.
4/5 = 80% 80% of 45 = 36
To get 70% of a number, multiply that given number to the decimal equivalent of 70% which is 0.7. Example: 70% of 5 = 0.7 * 5 = 3.5