120 is 20% of 600.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 120 percent is equal to 1.2. In other words, to find 120 percent of a number requires you to multiply the number by 1.2. For example, finding 120 percent of 500 is equivalent to multiplying 500 x 1.2 = 600.
It is: 54/600 = 0.09 as a decimal
The GCF is 120.
120 is 20% of 600.
(1/5)*600 = 600/5 = 120 ■
120. Proof; 120/120 = 1 600/120 = 5
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 600 and 120 is 120.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 120 percent is equal to 1.2. In other words, to find 120 percent of a number requires you to multiply the number by 1.2. For example, finding 120 percent of 500 is equivalent to multiplying 500 x 1.2 = 600.
The LCM is 600.
The LCM is 600.
120 into decimal = 120.0
It is: 120% = 1.20 as a decimal
It is: 54/600 = 0.09 as a decimal