Common multiples and common denominators can be found using the same process. They differ in their function. Common denominators are common multiples that are functioning as denominators.
Common denominators are common multiples that are being used as denominators.
The greatest common factor is the largest of the common factors.
Common denominators are created by finding the common multiples of unlike denominators.
They are all multiples.
The god that is worshiped
Hanuman, Jaambavanta, Rama, Krishna, Durvasa muni
Actually Bhagwat Geeta is a small part of Mahabharata. In Mahabharata when the war is about to begin arjuna leaves the weapons and krishna talks him out of it, this is Bhagwat Geeta.
The participation of the demigods in the war, the issue of the women, the loss of the injustice and evil and the victory of the righteousness are the common between these two great epics- The Mahabharata and the Iliad.
The original name of the Mahabharata is Mahabharata.
"Kambar" did the interpretation of Ramayana. It has not become a translated, secondary work of someone's but the great masterpiece of him.
Hanuman, Jaambavanta, Rama, Krishna, Durvaas muni.
Yes, Mahabharata is a true story.
There are number of heroic things that Arjuna do in Mahabharata. The list is long and beyond the scope. Better you read the Mahabharata. Rather study the Mahabharata.
Ajaamila is personality who comes in Srimadbhagavata, not in Mahabharata
Common characts in Ramayan and Mahabharat is as follows: Ram- Krishna- Bisnu Avatar Laxman- Balaram- Shesh Nag Abatar