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Well, darling, both olfactory and proboscis are fancy words related to the sense of smell. Olfactory refers to the sense of smell, while a proboscis is a long nose or snout found in certain animals like elephants or butterflies. So, in a nutshell, they both have something to do with sniffing out scents, whether you're a human or a critter with a trunk.

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2mo ago

Ah, olfactory and proboscis are both such fascinating words, aren't they? The olfactory system helps us smell and experience the world around us, while a proboscis is a long, flexible appendage found in certain animals like butterflies and elephants. Both of them play important roles in helping these creatures navigate and interact with their environments in unique and special ways. Just like how we all have our own special ways of experiencing and connecting with the world, these amazing features remind us of the beauty and diversity of nature.

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12y ago

Noses; a sense of smell.

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What does olfactory and proboscis have in common?

A proboscis is an elongated appendage from the head of an animal. Olfaction (also known as olfactics or more commonly as smell) is the sense of smell. Proboscis on some animals is used to smell.

What is the scientific name of nose?

The scientific name for the nose is "nasus."

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Ablovium, adenoids, beak, bill, horn, muzzle, nares, nostrils , olfactory nerves, proboscis, schnoz, smeller, sneezer, sniffer, snoot, snout, snuffer, whiffer

How long is the PROBOSCIS?

The proboscis can be 1 centimeter,

Where does proboscis live?

the proboscis monkeys live in swamps in Asia

Where does the Proboscis Monkey Live?

The Proboscis monkey can be exclusively found in Borneo.

Olfactory nerve filaments are found?

in the olfactory epithelium of the nasal cavity.

What is the Latin name for the proboscis monkey?

what is the latin name for proboscis monkey?

What are butterfly proboscis?

the proboscis help butterfly to sip nectars from flower

Where is the mosquitoes proboscis?

A common house mosquito proboscis tip (Culex sp.). The proboscis contains six parts: two pairs of sharp, flexible cutters (serrated "blades" and sharp tipped "knives") surrounding a pair of fine tubes - one for sucking up blood, the other for dripping a chemical into the wound that keeps the blood flowing.

How do you say Proboscis?

The word "Proboscis" is pronounced as "pro-boh-sis."

What cranial nerve is used when smelling a flower?

The cranial nerve used when smelling a flower is the olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I). It is responsible for your sense of smell.