The given number in word form is 10 undecillion. Something that is undecillion has the scale of 1036. Then, the given number is 10 * 1036. In scientific notation, we have 1.0 * 1037.
1036 This number has no SI prefix.
67000 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 70000.
The word form is: thirty and sixty-eight thousandths.
Numerically you can drop the prefix zero; hence 050 = 50 50 in word form is 'Fifty'.
The given number in word form is 10 undecillion. Something that is undecillion has the scale of 1036. Then, the given number is 10 * 1036. In scientific notation, we have 1.0 * 1037.
It is called a tritrillogon
1036 This number has no SI prefix.
999,999,999,999,999,999,999 + 1 = one sextillion.
The word who've is a contraction, a combined form of the pronoun who and the verb (or auxiliary verb) have; a short form for 'who have'.Example:First we call those applicants who have had some experience.Or:First we call those applicants who've had some experience.
Stating data in a word form is usually known either as speaking or writing. Look, I'm doing it right now!
there was no connection so i couldn't call my friend
Please complete your question and resubmit.
The word 'cry' is a noun form as a word for the act or sound of crying as in 'to have a good cry', and as a word for the call of an animal 'the cry of a crow'.The noun forms of the verb to cry are crier and the gerund, crying.
Using only the first letters of a word to form a new word or phrase is called an acronym.
67000 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 70000.
Yes, "calling" can be a verb. It is the present participle form of the verb "call."