The same process is used to find both. When it's a whole number, we call it the LCM. When the whole number is a denominator, we cal it the LCD.
The nearest whole number of 28.75 is 29
No it is not a whole number
A decimal without a remainder is a whole number or integer.
No, none are irrational. All whole numbers are rational.If you think you have a whole number that is irrational, we'll call it q.q/ 1 is a ratio, i.e. it is rational. It is also equal to q.
A mixed number.
A mixed number.
It is a fraction of a number
A whole number
it is called a mixed number.
Fractions are not whole numbers. They are fractions. You can call a fraction a whole number, but that doesn't make it one.
a prime number
whole number line
That would be what you call your composite number.
A number that is made up of a whole number and a fraction, such as 1 3/4, is known as a Mixed Number.
A composite number.
a whole number