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Q: What do you do to decrease the power used?
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Does transformer doubles the power?

No. Power is constant. Transformers neither increase nor decrease power, except for minor losses. They increase or decrease voltage, and they decrease or increase current, but the product of voltage and current, i.e. power, remains the same.

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Why capacitor used in transmission line?

Capacitors can be used to decrease the inductance of power lines (series compensation), and for voltage support (capacitors are put in parallel with the system).

Why would you want to decrease the power consumption of an integrated circuit?

you would want to decrease the power consumption of an integrated circuit to reduce power needed and at the same time reduce power dissipation meaning it will run cooler if overall power is reduced. With some families of logic circuits the voltage must be maintained at 5 volts for proper applications. The voltage applied determines the power that can be used effectively.

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Decrease the power setting

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E. decrease supplier power

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multiply the expression by the power, then decrease the power by one: = 4sinx3

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Is the capacitor used in the ac system to reduce line voltage?

Usually capacitors in an AC system are there to improve the power factor. Transformers are used to increase or decrease line voltages.

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What is used to increase or decrease voltage that enters a house?

A transformer can be used, either a step-up or step-down transformer, to deliver the power at a different voltage from the normal supply voltage.