For multiplication or division it is 0.04 while for addition or subtraction, the answer depends on the order of magnitude of the other terms.
For example, for 1234 + 0.04 I would use 0.04 = 0
but for 0.00001234 + 0.04 i would use 0.04 = 0.04
0.004 = 0.4%
The answer depends on the degree of rounding required.
Well, honey, the value of 004 is simply 4. When you see a number with a leading zero like that, it's just fancy dressing with no real substance. So, in this case, strip away the zeros and you're left with good old 4.
004 is the same as 4
987 multiplied by 004 is 3,948
.004 kg is 4 grams
.004 + 3 + .03 = 3.034
4.00 is bigger than .004 which is the same as 0.004
What is 1 10 of 004
. 004 = 0.4 % 0.4 = 40 %0.04 = 4 %0.004 = 0.4 %