No, 0.5 percent is not equal to 5 percent. To convert a percentage to a decimal, you divide by 100. So, 0.5 percent is equal to 0.005 as a decimal, while 5 percent is equal to 0.05. The two percentages differ by a factor of 10, with 5 percent being 10 times greater than 0.5 percent.
20 percent is equal to 2 over 10
10% = 1/10 20% = 2/10, or 1/5 Actually it's like this: X = 10 - (.2 * 10) X = 10 - (2) X = 8
0.20% = .20/100 = .2/100 x 10/10 = 2/1000 = 1/500
To find a percent of a number, simply multiply the number by the percent in decimal form. (To learn how to express a percent in decimal form, visit: 2% = 0.022% of 10 = 0.02 * 10= 0.2
0.1 x 0.5 x 2 = 0.1 = 10%
The reduced fraction to equal 10 percent is 1/10
10% + 10% = 20%
No, 0.5 percent is not equal to 5 percent. To convert a percentage to a decimal, you divide by 100. So, 0.5 percent is equal to 0.005 as a decimal, while 5 percent is equal to 0.05. The two percentages differ by a factor of 10, with 5 percent being 10 times greater than 0.5 percent.
0.5 is equal to 5/10, which is simplified to 1/2.
0.02 is equal to 2 percent.
It is equal because when you turn a decimal into a percent you move the decimal 2 to the right.
Seven tenths is equal to 70 percent. To convert tenths to percent, you multiply by 10. Therefore, 7 tenths is equal to 7 multiplied by 10 percent, which equals 70 percent.
20 percent is equal to 2 over 10
1/10 is the simplest fraction form of 10 percent.
No, 2/3 = 66.67%9/10 = 90%