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Dilated means made wider of larger, so 50% dilated is 50% larger

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Q: What does 50 percent dilated mean?
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What does it mean if you are 50 percent effaced and not dilated?

50% is out of 100% which means your cervix is paper thin. Once your cervix is dialated to 10cm & your 100% effaced baby is ready to be born. How long it could be in this position, depends on your body.

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If you mean 50% of 42 then it is 21

What is 50 x 100 percent?

1 percent = 0.01 the value of 100 percent (100%) = 1 So if your question is 50 * (100%), this is 50 * 1 = 50. if you took it as (50 x 100) percent, then you get the same thing: (50 x 100) percent = (5000) percent. 5000 % = 5000 * 0.01 = 50 If you mean (50 %) * (100 %), then 0.50 * 1 = 0.50

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it means its 50 percent off

Are 50 percent odds really 50 percent?

Yes. They are exactly 50 percent. This doesn't necessarily mean that it will happen exactly half the time, only that if you ran the odds an infinite number of times it would be expected to happen 50 percent of the time.

What does it mean when the doctors says 2 cm and 30 percent effaced?

it mean that person not in the stage of disease which shows symptoms but he has organisms in body which cause disease. if the number of microorganism is increased 40 percent, it shows symptoms OR, it could apply to the childbirth process. Basically how much the cervical opening has pulled back or thinned. But this is also tied to how much the cervix has dilated, or opened up to allow the child to be born. Fully dilated is 10 cm.

What is 6000 of fifty percent?

If you mean 50% of 6000 then it is 3000

Three centimeters dilated and 90 percent thinned out?

oh my god who the hell cares

Does a 50 percent chance of rain mean that it will rain?

You don't know. Theres a 50/50 chance that it will and then a 50/50 chance that it won't.

What does tant pour tant mean in french?

'so for so' it's the mixture of 50 percent almond powder and 50 percent of icing sugar

What is 50 percent of 50?

50 percent of 50 is 25