87 1/2% or 87.5% or rounded up to 88%
To round 87 to the nearest hundred, we look at the digit in the tens place, which is 8. Since 8 is equal to or greater than 5, we round up. Therefore, 87 rounded to the nearest hundred is 100.
cross multiply to solve: 100 x 4200 = 87 Y solve for Y by doing 420,000 divided by 87, which equals 4828 (rounded off)
Well, let's imagine numbers as friends playing on a see-saw. When we add 74 and 13 together, it's like lifting one friend higher on the see-saw, making the total 87. Then, when we subtract 13 from 87, it's like bringing that friend back down to the same level as the other, which gives us back our original number of 74. It's all about balancing the numbers, just like friends on a see-saw!
9 plus 87 equals 96.
120 minus 87 equals 33.
5 + 87 = 92
3 multiplied by 29 equals 87.
1 x 87, 3 x 29 = 87
3x what equals 87
No - rounded to two decimal places, 291/87 = 3.34