The HCF of two numbers is the highest common factor. For example, the highest common factor of 42 and 56 is 14.
Highest common factors can be used for reducing a fraction to its simplest form. Taking the above example, the numerator and denominator of the fraction 42/56 can be divided by 14 to make a fraction 3/4 or three quarters.
you are so right stranger
half circle forward
HCF stands for Highest Common Factor. It is also known as the GCF, or Greatest Common Factor.
HCF means the highest common factor of two or more numbers. LCM means the lowest common multiple of two or more numbers.
The highest common factor, or HCF, is the largest positive integer that will divide evenly with no remainder into all the members of a given set of numbers.
To have a HCF, you need at least 2 numbers. There is no HCF in just 1 number.
The HCF is 5.
the HCF is 6
The HCF is 1
HCF = 14
The HCF of 228 and 240 is 12.
The HCF of 16 & 33 is... 1
HCF(10, 84) = 2 HCF(10, 84) = 2 HCF(10, 84) = 2 HCF(10, 84) = 2