An international (intl) number is a number that is usually a number that is outside of your country.
The mean for a single number, such as 6281454562, is the number itself.
If you mean a serial number on some product, it depends on what the product is. Each company can makes serial numbers mean anything they want it too.
twice a number means a number times 2
It represents the number of tenths in the fractional part of the number.
A number bond is the relationship between a number and the parts that combine to make it.
The phone number of the Mississippi Comsn Intl Cltur is: 601-960-9900.
The phone number of the Intl Peace Monument For Arts is: 619-225-0308.
As of July 2014, the market cap for INTL FCStone Inc. (INTL) is $364,842,853.18.
The symbol for INTL FCStone Inc. in NASDAQ is: INTL.
"Intl" is generally accepted as an abbreviation for the word International. It is often seen in the names of multinational companies and brands, International airports and other commercial settings.
INTL FCStone was created in 1981.
Intl is the abbreviation or short form of " international "
Johannesburg Intl to Windhoek Intl: 2 hours
It takes 8hrs 15 min
About 760 road miles.
The phone number of the Koochiching County Historical Society is: 218-283-4316.