All nonzero numbers have factors. Some numbers have some of the same factors as other numbers. These are known as common factors.
Common factors are factors that two or more numbers have in common. These are factors that are the same. All integers will have 1 as a common factor. Some integers will have additional common factors. For example, 4 and 6 have as their common factors 1 and 2.
Numbers that evenly divide one or more numbers
Ex: 2 is a common factor for the numbers 4 and 6
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All numbers have factors. Some numbers have some of the same factors as other numbers. These are known as common factors.
3 is a common factor of 6 and 9.
LCD:Lowest Common Denominator GCF:Greatest Common Factor
By GCF you mean Greatest Common Divisor = 72
The least common factor is always one (1), regardless of what the greatest common factor is.
Answer: None, it is impossible. No single number has a greatest common factor. A "common factor" is a factor that two or more numbers have in common. The "greatest common factor" is the largest factor that two or more numbers have in common.
There cannot be a greatest common factor if there are not at least two numbers to compare. The greatest common factor is the largest factor that all the numbers have in common - the largest factor that they all share.