It means round the number so that fewer digits after the decimal point are shown.
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. It may or may not contain a fractional part. If not, the decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal for 20 ms is 20 ms. If you want it as a decimal fraction of some other quantity then you need to specify that second quantity.
10.0 ms or 0.010 s (1 hundredth of a second)
If you are looking out for macro options in MS Excel is available under tools menu. If you are looking for ready made macros, then there are plenty available on internet.
MS stands for 'Mint State' meaning a coin that shows no wear or damage from circulation.
Memory Store. Save the displayed value in the memory.
It is a way to round the number(s) so that fewer digits after the decimal point are displayed.
MS excel is a part of MS Office suite. You can create spreadsheet with the help of MS excel.
MS-Excel is a powerful worksheet & you calculate , syncronize many hard calculation, so MS-Excel is called Excel.
MS Excel is under Microsoft Office
ms excel 2010
Normally it is 2 when decimal places are being used.
16,777,216 in versions up to MS Excel 2003. From MS Excel 2007 onwards is 17,179,869,184.
Program - MS Office - MS Excel
ms excel is used to create spreadsheets.
XLS is the common extension for an MS Excel (tm) spreadsheet. Therefore chances are the reference you and/or your computer is referring to is an Excel Spreadsheet. To open this file format you must have either MS (Microsoft) Excel standalone, or MS Office installed on your computer.
There is no ruler bar in MS Excel. That is an MS Word function.
The cursor is called a cursor in MS Excel.