They are decimals that have equal value.
two decimals are equal to 0.9 = 0.90, 0.900
five twelfths
one third 1/3
One third of a percent: So let us agree that a percent = 1%. One third of 1% is .33%. In decimals, because 1%=.01, .33% will equal .0033.
no, one-third is about .3 and one half is .5 in decimals
To solve this equation, we first need to convert the fractions to decimals for easier calculation. One third is equal to approximately 0.333, and one half is equal to 0.5. Therefore, one more than one half is 0.5 + 1 = 1.5. Multiplying one third (0.333) by 1.5 gives us approximately 0.5 as the result.
.333333 (repeating)
One half is larger. You can either use cross-multiplying or decimals to figure this out. One half in decimals is 0.5 while one third is only 0.3333333(3 continuing).
one hundredth in decimal = 0.01
0.25 yards.
1/10 = 0.1
They are decimals that have equal value.
6.125 ft.
two decimals are equal to 0.9 = 0.90, 0.900