It is a fraction for example, if ther is a 1 with a 4 below it it means that there is one quarter of something
"divided by"
A proper fraction is a fraction that has a top number less than its bottom number.
A proper fraction has the top number (the numerator) smaller than the bottom number (the denominator).
the group of numbers on the left are the routing id, this tells the banks what branch your account was created in, the second set of number sis the account number for that bank.
Multiply top and bottom by the complex conjugate of the bottom complex number; this will make the bottom complex number into a real number which can then be made into fractions and simplified with the real part and the imaginary part (the multiplier of i [√-1]) of the multiplied out top number.
the bottom number of a fraction (:
I take it you mean on your blood pressure readings? The bottom number is the pressure the blood is returning to the heart.
The denominator is the number on the bottom.
In a fraction, the numerator is the number on the top and a denominator is the number on the bottom.
That number is the amount of experience points they have.
number that comes front
The top number is the numerator and the bottom number is the denominator.
i have acandy dish that has the number 8303 ,the top is frosted with lid,bottom part is brass pedestal
Yes, higher the number hotter the sauce
Possibly a production number?
An Improper Fraction is when the top number is bigger than the bottom number
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