Two decimal places means two numbers after the decimal point. (which looks like a period)
4.705 is a decimal value. So I presume you mean what is it when rounded to two decimal places. In that case 4.71 is the answer.
It is already in two decimal places as 0.72
It is 0.69 to two decimal places
0.1717 rounded to two decimal places is 0.17
It is already in two decimal places as 131.88
two decimal places
0.1 as a decimal with two decimal places is 0.10.
It is 1.01 when rounded to two decimal places
It then is 3.69 when rounded to two decimal places
It is 0.86 to two decimal places
4.705 is a decimal value. So I presume you mean what is it when rounded to two decimal places. In that case 4.71 is the answer.
Two decimal places.
The product will have at most 2 decimal places.
It has to do with decimal places in a number. The hundredth is two decimal places. In the number 123.45, the 5 is in the hundredth spot. Then to round to the nearest means rounding to two places. Rounding 0.24649 becomes 0.25.
0.6851 to 4 decimal places 0.685 to three decimal places 0.69 to two decimal places 0.7 to one decimal place
It would be "62." the whole answer would be 62,500. But for two decimal places that's just 62. If you mean square root of 250 that's different.
It is 0.69 to two decimal places