1 over 4.
It is any fraction of the form (48*x)/(64*x) where x is a non-zero integer or 1/x is an integer common factor of 48 and 64.
1 / 64 = 0.015625Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.015625 * 100 = 1.56%
16/64 = 1/4 as a fraction in its simplest form
fraction of 64 = 64/1
equivalent to 16 over 64 = 8/32, 4/16, 1/4
1 over 4.
2/16, 1/8, 8/64
If I understand the question correctly, the answer is 99/110
There are many kinds of equivalence. Equivalent fractions are 10/40, 20/80 The equivalent decimal expression is 0.25
15 1/2
The expression "1".
15 1/2