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It is: 100/1000 or 1/10 in its simplest form

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Q: What fraction is hundred years of a millennium?
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How many years are in half of a millennium?

A millennium is a thousand years, so a half-millennium is five hundred years.

How many years are in a half a millennium?

A millennium is a thousand years, so a half-millennium is five hundred years.

How many years are there in half of a millennium?

A millennium is a thousand years, so a half-millennium is five hundred years.

What fraction of a millennium is a century?

A century is 100 years, and a millennium is 1000 years, so a millennium has 10 centuries.

What fraction of a millennium is a dedicated?

A decade (10 years) is one hundredth of a millennium (1000 years).

How do you call a 1000 years?

One thousand years is a millennium, from the Latin "mille" for "thousand". One hundred years is a century, from the Latin "centum" for "hundred".

Give one word for a hundred century?

Millenium Actually, a millennium is a thousand years. That is ten centuries NOT a hundred centuries. There is no single word to describe a hundred centuries.

How many years in a millennium?

There are 1,000 years in a millennium.1000 years is called as a millennium.

What is 500 yrs?

The abbreviated form 500 yrs means "500 years" - five hundred years, five centuries, half a millennium.

If hundred is a century then what is a thousand?


What is three hundred years also known as?

3 Centurys 30% of a millennium 30 decades 109575 days (including leap days (Feb 29th)) 3/10 of a millennium

How any years in to millennium?

There are 1,000 years in a millennium