It is 100/240, a fraction which can be simplified if required.
There is insufficient information for us to understand this question. Please edit the question to include more context or relevant information. We need to know what you want 100 ml as a fraction of. For example, do you want 100 ml as a fraction of a litre, a kilolitre, a microlitre?
1 liter = 1000 ml 40 ml = 40/1000 = 4/100 = 1/25 of liter
100 to 120 grams. A cup belongs to the cooking measures of a "volume". A cup is 8 U.S. fluid ounces or one half U.S. liquid pint, that is about 237 mL. A cup is 8 Imperial fluid ounces or one half fluid pint, that is about 227 mL. A cup is about 250 mL (metric).
It is 100/1000 which can be simplified to 1/10. However, simplification results in a loss of information on the accuracy of the fraction: from a maximum error of approx 0.55% to 58%.
It is 100/240, a fraction which can be simplified if required.
1 L = 1000 mL You can use the 500 mL cup twice. You can use the 500 mL cup, the 300 mL cup, and the 100 mL cup two times. You can use the 300 mL cup three times, and the 100 mL cup.
No, 100 ml is not equal to 1 cup. 1 cup is approximately 240 ml, so 100 ml is less than half a cup.
A cup equals 250 ml, so half a cup is 125 ml
1 cup is 250 ml. -So 100 ml is 2/5 of a cup.
That is 0.441 cup
100ml is equal to 0.4226753 cups (US or Imperial)
1/20 of a cup is approximately 11.9 ml
There is insufficient information for us to understand this question. Please edit the question to include more context or relevant information. We need to know what you want 100 ml as a fraction of. For example, do you want 100 ml as a fraction of a litre, a kilolitre, a microlitre?
100/1,000 = 10/100 = 1/10
10 ml / 1 litre = 10 ml / 1000 ml = 1/100
the answer is 1/1000