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Q: What fraction of the day's energy expenditure of the average person is represented by the basal metabolism?
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What fraction of the day's energy expenditure of the average person is represented by his or her basal metabolism?


The estimation of the population average family expenditure on food based on the sample average expenditure of 1000 families is an example of what?

This is an example of inferential statistics, where we use a sample to make inferences or predictions about a population. Specifically, it involves estimating the population parameter (average family expenditure on food) from a sample statistic (average expenditure of 1000 families).

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To calculate household consumption expenditure, make a list of what has been spent for household use. Next, average that out and there is your expenditure amount.

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Average speed can be represented by the mathematical expression "distance x time."

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The average insurance expenditure is calculated by adding all auto insurance premium collected for liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage, and dividing by the number of insured cars for the year. The average auto insurance expenditure nationwide is $785.

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There is no such fraction. For any fraction, you can always find a fraction that is nearer to 1 - for example, the average of the fraction and one.

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Personal metabolism has no average.

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Our Sun is above average; the average star is a red dwarf, with a fraction of the mass of our Sun, and a fraction of its diameter.

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(Non Interest Op Expenditure - Non Interest Income)/ Average Assets

What is the average metabolism for 11 and 12 year olds?

There are to many different factors that can impact a person's metabolism to come up with an average rate. It all depends on your height, weight, health, and activity level.

Average weight for a 5'2 girl?

It all depends on how old you are and your metabolism. If you have a high metabolism you would be approximately 90-100 pounds. If you have a low metabolism you would be approximately 100-200 pounds.