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then its not good so see a doctor

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Q: What happens if pancreatitis lasts for more than two days?
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Related questions

Why does pancreatitis happen at night?

There are no studies proving that pancreatitis tends to strike more during moonlit hours than those of the day. It "happens" during the day as well.

How do you determine the amount of days in your menstrual cycle?

a menstrual cycle (more comonly known as a period) lasts about a week and happens once a month.

What happens when your pancreas in swollen and inflamed?

A swollen pancreas is more than likely Pancreatitis, which literally means, "Inflammation of the Pancreas".

Why does lent last more than forty days this year?

Lent traditionally lasts for 40 days to represent the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert. However, in some Christian denominations, the Sundays in Lent are not counted, which is why Lent may last more than 40 days in some years.

Does pancreatitis affect more woman or men?

Both forms of pancreatitis (acute and chronic) occur more often in men than women. However, women are 1.5 times more likely than men to have acute pancreatitis caused by gallstones. On the other hand, men are 6 times more likely than women to have acute pancreatitis caused by alcoholism.

Why might a slight fever that lasts no more than a few days be beneficial?

A slight fever can be beneficial as it helps the body fight off infections by activating the immune system and making it harder for bacteria and viruses to survive. It can also stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting infections. However, if the fever persists or becomes high, it may indicate a more serious underlying condition and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

What happens while a pear is rotting?

If it is ripe it lasts from 3-5 days. If it is unripened it takes about a week or more for it to rot.

How do you gain weight with pancreatitis?

There are various ways through which you can gain weight with pancreatitis. You would need a proper diets and more of essential vitamins and supplements in the diet.

What is the prognosis for a child with pancreatitis?

The prognosis for pancreatitis in children can vary depending on the severity of the condition, the underlying cause, and how quickly it is diagnosed and treated. In general, with prompt and appropriate medical care, most children with pancreatitis recover fully without long-term complications. However, severe cases of pancreatitis can lead to complications and require more intensive treatment. Regular monitoring and follow-up care are important for managing the condition and preventing recurrences.

When is heavy afterbirth bleeding too heavy?

Heavey bleeding is too heavy after is lasts for more than 4 days. It should at most last for two days and then begin to lessen. The entire postpartum bleeding process lasts for up to a month and sometimes more- depending on how much the uterus needs to shrink and recover.

How long does tea last?

Tea lasts from 5-9 days. It will start to smell bad if left for more than all that

What is the number of hours a day on Pluto?

A day on Pluto lasts about 153 Earth hours, or more than six Earth days.