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Q: What happens when you round 4.999 to the nearest tenth?
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How do you round off 4999 to the nearest ten thousand?

Oh, dude, you round off 4999 to the nearest ten thousand by looking at the digit in the ten thousand place, which is 0 in this case. Since it's less than 5, you just keep the ten thousand digit as 0 and change all the other digits to the right of it to 0. So, 4999 rounded off to the nearest ten thousand is 0.

what is 4999 rounded to the nearest thousand?


What is the least number that rounds to 5000?

The least number that rounds to 5000 is 4950. When rounding to the nearest thousand, any number from 4950 to 5049 will round to 5000. This is because 4950 is closer to 5000 than it is to 4000, and 5049 is closer to 5000 than it is to 6000.

What is the smallest number you can round of to 5000?

2500 (when rounding to the nearest 5000). Otherwise: 4999 to the nearest 2 4998 to the nearest 4 or 5 4996 to the nearest 8 4995 to the nearest 10 4990 to the nearest 20 4988 to the nearest 25 4980 to the nearest 40 4975 to the nearest 50 4950 to the nearest 100 4938 to the nearest 125 4900 to the nearest 200 4875 to the nearest 250 4750 to the nearest 500 4688 to the nearest 625 4500 to the nearest 1000 4375 to the nearest 1250 3750 to the nearest 2500

What is the roman numeral for 4999?


What is 19 divided by 4999?


What is the roman numbers of 4999?

4999 in Roman numerals is MMMMCMXCIX

What is the prime factorization of 4999?

It is itself because 4999 is a prime number

Which of the numbers 4999 and 5000 appears first on the number line from the left?


How do you show 5000 minus 1 equals 4999?

4999+1 = 5000

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What is the median of the following data set -5000 -4999 -4998 ... -1 0 1 ... 4998 4999 5000?

How do you get 4999 win races on Mario kart wii?

Play your favourite and/or easiest map 4999 times