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Q: What if you have one number and the power ball number?
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Related questions

What is the value of a Pokemon Power Ball?

To determine the exact value of a Pokémon Power Ball, a number of things would need to be taken into consideration. Some of these things would be the age and condition of the Power Ball.

What do you win if you have 3 numbers and the power ball number?

12 bucks

What do you get for one number and the mega ball number?

it is realy easy

What if the power ball is one of your other numbers?

Then it doesn't do anything for you.

Do you win anything in the NC Lottery if you just get power ball number correct?

A bookmark.

What number is better for a basketball jersey 26 25 27 I want to pick a number that is not famous or retired and one that looks cool on the jersey or has some kind of meaning Soo 26 25 or 27?

Winner is 26. 2+6=8 which is like double basketballs. Eight is a number that has to do with power. Own the game when you play wearing your power number 26(8). You could also see the 6 as being a ball with a spin or power spiraling off the ball.

What is the answer in lady in lilycove holding the master ball?

It's the Original Trainer number of one of your Pokemon if it matches one of your pokemons ot number she will give you the master ball.

What are the most lucky number in gold win lottery?

None of them!!! The lottery is completely random!!! They do everything in their power to stop one ball having a better chance over another!!!

Will I be able to build upper-body strength with the Nike SPARQ Power Ball?

The kneeling power ball toss is just one way to build upper body strength.

What is ten to the zero power?

One. Any number to the zero power is one.

Why does any number to the first power equal 1?

Any number to the first power equals that number, and any number to the zero power equals one.

What is a billiard?

A billiard is a shot in billiards or snooker in which the cue ball strikes two other balls. It also refers to a cardinal number, 10 to the power of 15, or one thousand billion.