As a fraction it is: 44/175 As a percentage it is: 25.'142857'% recurring decimal '142857'
0.285714 is 285714/1000000. In simplest form it is 142857/500000.
0.14285714285 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 14285714285 which can be simplified, if required.
1/7 (the fraction) then it's 0.142857, and the 142857 in the fraction part repeats forever.
0.285714 is already a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction.0.285714, as a rational fraction, is 142857/500000.
As a fraction it is: 44/175 As a percentage it is: 25.'142857'% recurring decimal '142857'
142857/200000 = 0.714285
0.714285 does not convert to a mixed fraction, just a fraction. It is: 142857/200000
0.285714 is 285714/1000000. In simplest form it is 142857/500000.
5.142857 = 5 142857/1000000
29/7 as a repeating decimal is 4.'142857' repeating '142857'
0.14285714285 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 14285714285 which can be simplified, if required.
1/7 (the fraction) then it's 0.142857, and the 142857 in the fraction part repeats forever.
you can recognize 142857 as a superhero number therfore its 4/7
The fraction 1/7 has the decimal value 0.142857142857142857..... The six digits 142857 keep repeating.
17 is already in decimal. If you mean 1/7 (the fraction) then it's 0.142857, and the 142857 in the fraction part repeats forever.