0.285714 is 285714/1000000. In simplest form it is 142857/500000.
16.285714=16+(285714/1000000)=16285714/1000000 It is: 16285714 ________ 1000000
0.285714 is already a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction.0.285714, as a rational fraction, is 142857/500000.
0.2857142857 is a recurring decimal that can be represented as a fraction by recognizing the repeating pattern. The repeating block is 285714, which has 6 digits. To convert this to a fraction, we can set x = 0.2857142857 and multiply x by 1000000 to shift the decimal point 6 places to the right, giving 1000000x = 285714.2857. Subtracting x from 1000000x gives 999999x = 285714, which simplifies to x = 285714/999999. Therefore, 0.2857142857 is equivalent to the fraction 285714/999999.
Multiplying decimals by 100 will convert them to percentages.If you wish to remove the recurring decimal, convert it to a fraction by putting the recurring digit(s) as the numerator over a denominator of the same number of 9s and reducing the fraction to its lowest terms.Examples0.333333333...To a percentage: 0.333333333... x 100 = 33.3333333...% 0.3333333... as a fraction: repeating digit is 3 so put as the numerator over a denominator of one 9 to give the fraction 3/9 = 1/3So 0.333333333... = 33 1/3 %0.1428571428...To a percentage: 0.1428571428... x 100 = 14.28571428...% 0.28571428... as a fraction: repeating digits are 285714 of which there are six, so put as numerator over a denominator of six 9s to give the fraction 285714/999999 = 2/7So 0.1428571428... = 14 2/7 %
0.285714 is 285714/1000000. In simplest form it is 142857/500000.
It is: 14.'285714'% recurring decimal '285714'
16.285714=16+(285714/1000000)=16285714/1000000 It is: 16285714 ________ 1000000
-0.28571428571429 = -28,571,428,571,429/100,000,000,000,000(If you had said that the "285714" keeps repeating, thenthe equivalent fraction would have been -2/7.)
0.285714 is already a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction.0.285714, as a rational fraction, is 142857/500000.
It is: 2/7 = 0.'285714' recurring '285714'
0.2857142857 is a recurring decimal that can be represented as a fraction by recognizing the repeating pattern. The repeating block is 285714, which has 6 digits. To convert this to a fraction, we can set x = 0.2857142857 and multiply x by 1000000 to shift the decimal point 6 places to the right, giving 1000000x = 285714.2857. Subtracting x from 1000000x gives 999999x = 285714, which simplifies to x = 285714/999999. Therefore, 0.2857142857 is equivalent to the fraction 285714/999999.
No because 44/10 = 4.4 and 4/14 = 0.'285714' recurring decimal '285714'
Multiplying decimals by 100 will convert them to percentages.If you wish to remove the recurring decimal, convert it to a fraction by putting the recurring digit(s) as the numerator over a denominator of the same number of 9s and reducing the fraction to its lowest terms.Examples0.333333333...To a percentage: 0.333333333... x 100 = 33.3333333...% 0.3333333... as a fraction: repeating digit is 3 so put as the numerator over a denominator of one 9 to give the fraction 3/9 = 1/3So 0.333333333... = 33 1/3 %0.1428571428...To a percentage: 0.1428571428... x 100 = 14.28571428...% 0.28571428... as a fraction: repeating digits are 285714 of which there are six, so put as numerator over a denominator of six 9s to give the fraction 285714/999999 = 2/7So 0.1428571428... = 14 2/7 %