It is expressed as a percentage (fraction of 100%).
407 is an integer, not a fraction. It can be expressed as a fraction by writing it as 407/1.407 is an integer, not a fraction. It can be expressed as a fraction by writing it as 407/1.407 is an integer, not a fraction. It can be expressed as a fraction by writing it as 407/1.407 is an integer, not a fraction. It can be expressed as a fraction by writing it as 407/1.
Any integer can be expressed as a fraction in its simplest form by putting it over 1.Any integer can be expressed as a fraction in its simplest form by putting it over 1.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 7 percent is equal to 0.07. Expressed as a vulgar fraction, 7 percent is equal to 7/100, or seven hundredths.
O.0023%:= 0.000023 in decimal= 23/10000 in fraction
It is expressed as a percentage (fraction of 100%).
It is 537/100 expressed as an improper fraction
407 is an integer, not a fraction. It can be expressed as a fraction by writing it as 407/1.407 is an integer, not a fraction. It can be expressed as a fraction by writing it as 407/1.407 is an integer, not a fraction. It can be expressed as a fraction by writing it as 407/1.407 is an integer, not a fraction. It can be expressed as a fraction by writing it as 407/1.
Some real numbers can be expressed as a rational fraction.
A rational number, other than an integer, is expressed as a fraction.
0023 in Scientific Notation = 0.023 x 103
85 percent expressed as a fraction = 17/2085% = 85/100 or 17/20 in fraction
The number 1/8 is already expressed as a proper fraction. Expressed as a decimal fraction, it is equal to 0.125.
7/16 is a number - expressed as a fraction or a rational number.7/16 is a number - expressed as a fraction or a rational number.7/16 is a number - expressed as a fraction or a rational number.7/16 is a number - expressed as a fraction or a rational number.
The answer depends on what it is meant to be a fraction of.