Well, isn't that a happy little number! When we round 53.43 to 1 decimal place, we look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 3. Since 3 is less than 5, we keep the first decimal place the same, making 53.4. And just like that, we have a beautifully rounded number to work with!
17.635 already is rounded to 3 decimal places.
11.0 (one decimal and 3 significant figures)
It is 87.656 when rounded to 3 decimal places
The thousandths place is the third digit after the decimal point. 86.255 only has 3 digits after the decimal point so it is already (possibly) rounded to the nearest thousandth.
It is 49.3 to 1 decimal place because .25 is rounded up to .3
When rounding 0.3 to one decimal place, you look at the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point, which is 3. Since 3 is less than 5, you do not round up. Therefore, 0.3 rounded to one decimal place remains as 0.3.
Well, isn't that a happy little number! When we round 53.43 to 1 decimal place, we look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 3. Since 3 is less than 5, we keep the first decimal place the same, making 53.4. And just like that, we have a beautifully rounded number to work with!
17.635 already is rounded to 3 decimal places.
Rounded to the nearest whole number it is 3 Rounded to one decimal place it is 2.8
It is: 66.7% rounded to one decimal place
0.135 rounded to two decimal places is 0.14. When rounding to two decimal places, we look at the third decimal place (in this case, 5) and round up if it is 5 or greater. Since the third decimal place is 5 in this instance, we round up the second decimal place from 3 to 4.
11.0 (one decimal and 3 significant figures)
It is 87.656 when rounded to 3 decimal places
The thousandths place is the third digit after the decimal point. 86.255 only has 3 digits after the decimal point so it is already (possibly) rounded to the nearest thousandth.
To express 0.04567 to 3 decimal places, you would round it to the nearest thousandth. The digit in the thousandths place is 6, which is greater than 5, so you would round up the digit in the hundredths place. Therefore, 0.04567 rounded to 3 decimal places is 0.046.