"lecture" is a word form!
The word form is: thirty and sixty-eight thousandths.
Numerically you can drop the prefix zero; hence 050 = 50 50 in word form is 'Fifty'.
That IS the word form. The decimal form is 0.18
Short word form is when you write the number in word form, except with the numbers. EXAMPLE: 34,567,199 in short word form is 34 million, 567 thousand, 199.
witch country has 0026 code
.0026 grams
hold down ALT and then press 0026
0.0026 to percent = 0.0026 * 100% = 0.26%
The office number for Grupo control is 956-444-0026
The ISBN of The Pillars of Creation is 0-7653-0026-5.
The address of the Garrison Public Library is: 100 Birch Ave, Garrison, 52229 0026
The address of the Clearmont Branch Library is: 1240 Front St, Clearmont, 82835 0026
The phone number of the Society Hill Library is: 843-378-0026.
The address of the Northwest Regional Library is: 410 Ramsland St, Buffalo, 57720 0026