"lecture" is a word form!
The word form is: thirty and sixty-eight thousandths.
Numerically you can drop the prefix zero; hence 050 = 50 50 in word form is 'Fifty'.
That IS the word form. The decimal form is 0.18
Short word form is when you write the number in word form, except with the numbers. EXAMPLE: 34,567,199 in short word form is 34 million, 567 thousand, 199.
2 of them.
It's a heater control circut
To convert 0.0038 to percent multiply by 100: 0.0038 × 100 = 0.38 %
The phone number of the Enchanted Moments is: 419-443-0038.
The address of the Jones Memorial is: 1 Water St., Orleans, 05860 0038
The address of the Wilder Memorial is: 24 Lawrence Hill Rd., Weston, 05161 0038
The address of the Madison County Library is: 1315 Hwy 98, Danielsville, 30633 0038
The address of the Granger Branch Library is: 60 Spruce St, Granger, 82934 0038
The phone number of the Legler Barn Museum is: 913-492-0038.
The address of the Dickens Public Library is: 210 Main St, Dickens, 51333 0038
The address of the Kewaskum Public Library is: 206 First St., Kewaskum, 53040 0038