You round 0.11111111 to 2 decimal places by removing all the numbers beyond the second position to the right of the decimal point - which would give you 0.11. Since the third digit to the right of the decimal point is less than "5", you will leave the answer as "0.11".
If the third digit to the right of the decimal were "5" or greater - like "0.11611111" - then you would round the 2nd digit up one, so the answer would be "0.12".
0.625 rounded of to 2 decimal places = 0.63
It is 0.60 rounded to two decimal places
It is 59.65 when rounded to two decimal places
It is: 44.56 when rounded to two decimal places
5.721 rounded to 2 decimal places is rounded DOWN to 5.72
0.625 rounded of to 2 decimal places = 0.63
It is 0.60 rounded to two decimal places
It is then 23.24 when rounded to two decimal places
It is 4.97 rounded to 2 decimal places
It is 59.65 when rounded to two decimal places
8.995 rounded to 2 decimal places (hundredths) is 9.00
1.35 to 2 decimal places is 1.35 (1.35 is already to 2 decimal places.)
Rounded to two decimal places, 1.738 is approximately equal to 1.74.
It is: 44.56 when rounded to two decimal places
5.721 rounded to 2 decimal places is rounded DOWN to 5.72
Rounded to two decimal places, 19.532 is approximately equal to 19.53.
Rounded to two decimal places, 12.076 is approximately equal to 12.08.