0.3 is already a decimal. 0.3 is a decimal. As a fraction, it is 3/10
0.3 is 0.3 as a decimal.
Decimal to Percent.DP rule3%
.03 if rounded to the hundredth's place
NO!!! To compare decimals, bring each decimal to the same number of decimal places by inserting suffix 'zeroes'. Hence 12.30 & 12.03 Ignore the decimal point and the '12' Hence 30 & 03 The prefix '0' is trivial and can be ignored. Hence 30 & 3 It should be obvious that 30 > 3 , hence it follows that 12.30 > 12.03 => 12.3 > 12.03
The decimal 17.05 is equal to the decimal 17.050.
a decimal
It is three hundredths.
.04 and.03
Decimal to Percent.DP rule3%
0.0303030303030303..... with the 03 recuring
.03 if rounded to the hundredth's place
Multiply the decimal form of the percentage by the number. 3%= .03, so .03*47205= 1416.15
.03, 3%, 3/100