0.498 to 3 decimal places. 0.50 to 2 decimal places. 0.5 to 1 decimal place.
When rounding 4.79 to two decimal places, you look at the third decimal place, which is 9. Since 9 is greater than 5, you round up the second decimal place by 1. Therefore, 4.79 rounded to two decimal places is 4.80.
It is: 94.34% rounded up to two decimal places
To round the number 2.07 to seven decimal places, we look at the eighth decimal place, which is 0. Since 0 is less than 5, we do not round up. Therefore, the number remains 2.0700000 when rounded to seven decimal places.
When rounding 3.08 to two decimal places, you look at the third decimal place, which is 8. Since 8 is greater than or equal to 5, you round up the second decimal place by 1. Therefore, 3.08 rounded to two decimal places is 3.09.
0.498 to 3 decimal places. 0.50 to 2 decimal places. 0.5 to 1 decimal place.
answer is 22.34
When rounding 4.79 to two decimal places, you look at the third decimal place, which is 9. Since 9 is greater than 5, you round up the second decimal place by 1. Therefore, 4.79 rounded to two decimal places is 4.80.
It is 0.14 if rounded up, or 0.13 if rounded down.
The correct answer is 2.779
It is: 11.429% rounded up to 3 decimal places
As a percentage it is 31.13% rounded up to two decimal places
It is: 94.34% rounded up to two decimal places
It is: 94.203% rounded up to three decimal places
2 (if rounded to 2,1 or 0 decimal places).
To express 0.04567 to 3 decimal places, you would round it to the nearest thousandth. The digit in the thousandths place is 6, which is greater than 5, so you would round up the digit in the hundredths place. Therefore, 0.04567 rounded to 3 decimal places is 0.046.