To convert a decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100. Therefore, to convert .0625 to a percentage, you would multiply by 100 to get 6.25%.
.0625 = 1 ounce .0625 x 16 = 1 lb 1.5 lbs = 24 oz (24 x .0625 = 1.5lbs) 1.8 lbs = 28.80 oz (28.80 x .0625 = 1.8 lbs) 159.3 lbs = 2548.80 oz (2548.80 x .0625 = 159.3 lbs)
you do .0625 x 181.98 ...
0.025 is 0.0375 less than 0.0625
Expressed as a decimal, 1/16 is equal to .0625.
0625 = 625 is larger than 01 = 1
0625 > 05 Drop the prefixed zeroes and we have 625 & 5 . Since 625 > 5 , then 0625 > 05 .
To convert a decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100. Therefore, to convert .0625 to a percentage, you would multiply by 100 to get 6.25%.
1/16 6.25/100=.0625 1/16=.0625
.0625 = 1 ounce .0625 x 16 = 1 lb 1.5 lbs = 24 oz (24 x .0625 = 1.5lbs) 1.8 lbs = 28.80 oz (28.80 x .0625 = 1.8 lbs) 159.3 lbs = 2548.80 oz (2548.80 x .0625 = 159.3 lbs)
No.. 3/16=.0625... and since 4.25>1 and 3/16<1 then it is not possible to have 4.25=3/16
There are 1000 milligrams in a gram. 62.5 divided by 1000 is .0625, so there are .0625 grams in 62.5 milligrams.
1/16 is equal to 6 hundredths. 1/16 in decimal form is .0625, six hundred twenty five ten thousandths.
Assuming a decimal point before the zero and a "lb" after the 5, then: 0.0625 lb = 1/16 lb = 1 oz Otherwise no.
there number is 225 0625