It's 0.81818181818181
The digit at the fourth decimal place is 5. The next digit, 7 is bigger than 5 and so the digit at the fourth decimal place must be rounded up - to 12.4286
To multiply 2.6 by 0.02, you can first ignore the decimal points and multiply 26 by 2, which equals 52. Next, count the total number of decimal places in the numbers you are multiplying - in this case, there are three decimal places. Therefore, your final answer will have three decimal places, making it 0.052.
The first 4 digits after the decimal point must be zero and the next digit must be 4 or smaller. If it is 4, then the subsequent digits cannot be a sequence of repeating 9s.
It is 1753/495 which cannot be simplified.
It's 0.81818181818181
It means to round the number to the nearest four decimal places (0.0000) for example the number 12.3476589 would be 12.3477 . The four decimal places are the amount of numbers after the decimal dot. For the fourth number after the decimal point, if the number after it is 5 or higher, than you round up to the next decimal number. If it is below five, you leave it as it is. If the fourth number is nine and the next one is eight for example, you also rise the third number as well as the fourth.
First, divide four by 100, and you will get 25. Next, move the decimal point two places to the left, and you will get 0.25 or .25 for your answer.
find the next decimal place.
The digit at the fourth decimal place is 5. The next digit, 7 is bigger than 5 and so the digit at the fourth decimal place must be rounded up - to 12.4286
It is 0.86 to two decimal places.
To multiply 8.7 by 0.45, you first multiply 87 by 45 (ignoring the decimal points). This gives you 3,915. Next, count the total decimal places in the numbers you multiplied (2 from 8.7 and 2 from 0.45), which equals 4 decimal places. Finally, place the decimal point in the answer so that it has a total of 4 decimal places from the right, resulting in 3.915.
To multiply 2.6 by 0.02, you can first ignore the decimal points and multiply 26 by 2, which equals 52. Next, count the total number of decimal places in the numbers you are multiplying - in this case, there are three decimal places. Therefore, your final answer will have three decimal places, making it 0.052.
The answer would be to times that decimal by 100. And then this next value will give the percentage value with decimal places. So 0.6156 * 100= 61.56%. There you have it. The answer is 61.56%.
2 Cent The way it works is you go to the last number on the right and work back with the rule: If it's (1,2,3,4) then the next number on the left stays the same and if it's (5,6,7,8,9) then the next number on the left increases by one So in this case Number is 1.82566 Rounded to 4 Decimal Places 1.8257 Rounded to 3 Decimal Places 1.826 Rounded to 2 Decimal Places 1.83 Rounded to 1 Decimal Places 1.8 Nearest Cent 2
2.06 - you round up the next digit because it's 5 or greater.