as a percentage of what.
Percentage is considered a singular noun: The percentage of unemployed citizens is usually about five percent.
On base percentage plus slugging percentage
0.44 in percentage is 44%.
3.33 in percentage is 333%.
In the Sinnoh Pokédex, Pokémon 093 is Sudowoodo. In the National Pokédex Pokémon 093 is Haunter.
093 is typically used to represent a nominal thickness of 0.093 inches.
It appears that "093 country" is not a recognized country or location. If you can provide more context or details, I would be happy to help further.
In 1973, Bill Bonham played for the Chicago Cubs. On Base Percentage (OBP) is considered by many to be a better measure of a great hitter than the Batting Average. It is calculated with the formula (Hits + Walks + Hit by Pitch) / (At Bats + Walks + Hit by Pitch + Sacrifice Flies). In 1973, Bill Bonham had 43 at bats, 4 hits, 0 walks, and was hit by the pitch 0 times. He had 0 sacrifice flies. That gives him an On Base Percentage of .093. Slugging Percentage (SLG) is a popular measure of a batter's power. It is calculated as (Total Bases) / (At Bats). Another way to look at it is (Singles + 2 x Doubles + 3 x Triples + 4 x Home Runs) / (At Bats). In 1973, Bill Bonham had 43 at bats, and hit 4 singles, 0 doubles, 0 triples, and 0 home runs, for a .093 slugging percentage. Being able to get on base and to hit for power are two of the most important offensive skills in baseball, so the On Base Percentage and Slugging Percentage are often added together. On-base plus slugging (OPS) is a sabermetric baseball statistic. The best hitters in Major League Baseball can achieve an OPS of .900 or higher. In 1973, Bill Bonham had a .093 On Base Percentage and a .093 Slugging Percentage for an OPS of .186. Runs Created (RC) is a baseball statistic invented by Bill James to estimate the number of runs a hitter contributes to his team. There are a number of formulas used to calculate it. One of the simplest is (On Base Percentage) × (Total Bases). In 1973, Bill Bonham had a .093 On Base Percentage and 4 Total Bases for .37 Runs Created.
In 1904, Ed McNichol played for the Boston Beaneaters. On Base Percentage (OBP) is considered by many to be a better measure of a great hitter than the Batting Average. It is calculated with the formula (Hits + Walks + Hit by Pitch) / (At Bats + Walks + Hit by Pitch + Sacrifice Flies). In 1904, Ed McNichol had 43 at bats, 4 hits, 0 walks, and was hit by the pitch 0 times. Sacrifice flies weren't counted before 1954. That gives him an On Base Percentage of .093. Slugging Percentage (SLG) is a popular measure of a batter's power. It is calculated as (Total Bases) / (At Bats). Another way to look at it is (Singles + 2 x Doubles + 3 x Triples + 4 x Home Runs) / (At Bats). In 1904, Ed McNichol had 43 at bats, and hit 4 singles, 0 doubles, 0 triples, and 0 home runs, for a .093 slugging percentage. Being able to get on base and to hit for power are two of the most important offensive skills in baseball, so the On Base Percentage and Slugging Percentage are often added together. On-base plus slugging (OPS) is a sabermetric baseball statistic. The best hitters in Major League Baseball can achieve an OPS of .900 or higher. In 1904, Ed McNichol had a .093 On Base Percentage and a .093 Slugging Percentage for an OPS of .186. Runs Created (RC) is a baseball statistic invented by Bill James to estimate the number of runs a hitter contributes to his team. There are a number of formulas used to calculate it. One of the simplest is (On Base Percentage) × (Total Bases). In 1904, Ed McNichol had a .093 On Base Percentage and 4 Total Bases for .37 Runs Created.
Square feet x .093 = square meters. So, 2000 x .093 = about 186 square meters.
That depends what there are 0.093 of. How do you figure? A half inch thick slice of bread or plywood is still a half inch thick! 0.093 is 3/32 of an inch which is the typical thickness for clear plastic panels used for hobbies or do it yourself storm window replacement at Home Depot for example... I think you are confusing quantity vs depth, distance or thickness. Think 3 dimensions here... For example 11W" X 14L" X 0.093 or 3/32" thick! :-)
I think it is .093
Airwolf - 1984 Flight 093 Is Missing - 2.9 was released on: USA: 17 November 1984 Netherlands: 8 September 1988