034 is an integer, not a fraction and it makes little sense to convert it to a fraction. However, if you must, it is simply 034/1 = 34/1.
3.4% is less than 1 and so cannot be expressed a mixed number except, possibly, as 034/1000 , which must be the silliest way to write the number.
034 if not then 304
The last one.
0.900 percent = 0.90 percent = 0.9 percent = 9/10 percent 0.900 percent = 0.009 0.900 = 90 percent
034 is less than 75.
034 is an integer, not a fraction and it makes little sense to convert it to a fraction. However, if you must, it is simply 034/1 = 34/1.
The difference is in the motor size.The 034AV is 56.5cc (cubic centimeters) and the 034 Super is 61.5 cc (cubic centimeters). The 034 Super has a slightly larger motor, and therefore it presumably also has greater speed and power.
3.4% is less than 1 and so cannot be expressed a mixed number except, possibly, as 034/1000 , which must be the silliest way to write the number.
Yes.0.34 > 0.25
The Stihl 034 AV is a reliable saw that has done satisfactory work on trees up to 20 or 25 metres tall with a considerable diameter. Never had any problems with it.
$800*52=$41600 $41600*.20(20%)=$8320 $8320*.034(3.4%)=$282.88 $8320+$282.88=$8602.88
034 if not then 304
The gap on the plugs is .034.