To convert 1.07 to a mixed number, we first separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number part is 1, and the decimal part is 0.07. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we divide 0.07 by 1 (since there are two decimal places) to get 7/100. Therefore, 1.07 as a mixed number is 1 7/100.
10 and 7/10
107 is a prime number.
107 is a prime number but 117 is a composite number
107 is a prime number, therefore its only factors are one and itself.The factors are only: 1 and 107 because it is a prime number
Darling, 10.7 into tenths is simply 107 tenths. It's like slicing a pie into ten equal pieces and taking 107 of those slices. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
It is: 23 and 107/200
23 and 107/200
10 and 7/10
3.428 = 3 428/1000 = 3 107/250
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 1.214 is equal to 1 107/500 or one and one hundred and seven five hundredths.
107.17 as an improper fraction is 10717/100. As a mixed number it is 107 17/100.
As a fraction in its simplest form 0.428 = 107/250
This is a bit of an awkward fraction. Top heavy fraction: 4707/200 Mixed fraction: 23 and 107/200
1.07 (decimal fraction) = 107/100 (improper fraction) = 1 7/100 (mixed number)
2.14 = 214/100 =214/100 = 107/50 or as a mixed number 27/50. The fraction in its simplest form is 107/50.