Oh, isn't that a happy little question! When we have a mixed number like 138, it means we have a whole number (138) and a fraction part. To convert it to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (138) by the denominator of the fraction (1) and add the numerator (38). So, 138 as an improper fraction is 138/1.
Well, isn't that a happy little number we have here! Let's turn 138.6 into a mixed number. We can write it as 138 3/5, where 3/5 represents the decimal .6. Just a little bit of math and we've created a beautiful mixed number!
11 over 4 written as a mixed number = 23/4
38 over four written as a mixed number = 91/2
0.055 can't be written as a mixed number. Mixed numbers are greater than 1.
Oh, isn't that a happy little question! When we have a mixed number like 138, it means we have a whole number (138) and a fraction part. To convert it to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (138) by the denominator of the fraction (1) and add the numerator (38). So, 138 as an improper fraction is 138/1.
138 is an integer, not a fraction.
Well, isn't that a happy little number we have here! Let's turn 138.6 into a mixed number. We can write it as 138 3/5, where 3/5 represents the decimal .6. Just a little bit of math and we've created a beautiful mixed number!
23.04 written as a mixed number (in lowest terms) is: 231/25
425 is a whole number. It cannot be written as a mixed number.
.75 cannot be written as a mixed number. A mixed number is the combination of a whole number and a proper fraction. A mixed number can be written with the whole number leading followed by a proper fraction or as just a fraction. An example of a mixed number is 1 _ or 7/4.
38 over 4 written as a mixed number is: 91/2
53 over 3 written as a mixed number = 172/3
11 over 4 written as a mixed number = 23/4
38 over four written as a mixed number = 91/2
33 over 10 written as a mixed number is: 33/10