To convert 24.875 into a fraction:1. Count the decimal places. In this case 3.2. Divide 24.875 by the number of decimal places:1 decimal place = 102 decimal places = 1003 decimal places = 10004 decimal places = 1000024.875 = 24875/1000 or 199/8
102% = 51/50 as a fraction simolified
0.2222........ as a fraction is 2/9. As a fraction with 10, 102, 103.....and so on (positive integer powers of 10) as the denominator then the given fraction becomes increasingly accurate but still remains an approximation.
It is: 102 and 9/10 = 102.9 as a decimal
you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
It is 0.408
It is a fraction 102/50, or in decimal form 2.04
155/510 = 31/102 = 31 ÷ 102 = 0.303922
To convert 24.875 into a fraction:1. Count the decimal places. In this case 3.2. Divide 24.875 by the number of decimal places:1 decimal place = 102 decimal places = 1003 decimal places = 10004 decimal places = 1000024.875 = 24875/1000 or 199/8
102 250ths as a decimal = 0.408
102% = 51/50 as a fraction simolified
Dividing both sides of the fraction 36/102 by 6 gives us 6/17, or six seventeenths. Expressed as a decimal fraction to three significant figures, 6/17 is equal to 0.353.
0.2222........ as a fraction is 2/9. As a fraction with 10, 102, 103.....and so on (positive integer powers of 10) as the denominator then the given fraction becomes increasingly accurate but still remains an approximation.
It is: 102 and 9/10 = 102.9 as a decimal
Since the decimal expression has two digits after the decimal place, you divide the integer equivalent by 102. So, -7.32 = -732/100 which simplifies to -183/25
102% = 1.02
102 percent = 102/100 = 1.02