No a gram is 1000 times lighter than a kilogram (kilo is a prefix meaning a thousand). So 4 kilograms is 1000 times heavier than 4 grams.
More than 1000
1000 is more than 300.
To find a number that is 1000 more than 4325, you simply add 1000 to 4325: 4325 1000 = 5325 4325+1000=5325 So, 5325 is 1000 more than 4325.
YES, by 3 or 4 orders of magnitude (i.e. more than a 1000 times).
7349008 + 1000 = 7350008
1000 + 684 = 1684
1000 + 960 = 1960
3453 + 1000 = 4453
It is 3567 + 1000 = 4567
2 2 3 4