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The number is already rounded to a greater extent than that!

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Q: What is 1023 rounded up to the nearest 10th?
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What is 106.76 rounded to the nearest 10th?

Well, honey, 106.76 rounded to the nearest tenth is 106.8. It's as simple as that. No need to make a big fuss about it. Just round up and move on with your day.

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Well, honey, 90.69 rounded to the nearest tenth is 90.7. It's not rocket science, just bump that number up to the next level when you hit the halfway mark. Hope that clears things up for ya!

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To round 4.727 to the nearest tenth, you look at the hundredth place, which is 7. Since 7 is equal to or greater than 5, you round up the tenths place by 1. Therefore, 4.727 rounded to the nearest tenth is 4.7.

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What is the nearest tenth to 5.524?

To round to nearest 10th, look at the 100th place. If it is 5 or more, round the 10ths place up, otherwise leave it the same, and drop the rest of the decimal. So 5.524 rounded to the nearest 10th is 5.5, since the 100ths place is 2.

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It is 3000 rounded UP to the nearest thousand. It is 2600 rounded down to the nearest hundred. It is 2650 rounded UP to the nearest ten.

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3,160 rounded up to the nearest hundreds is 3,200

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282.34 rounded up to the nearest 50 is 300.

What is 8.38 rounded to the nearest tenth?

well, when you are rounding to tenths, you are rounding the numeral directly to the right of the decimal either up to the next highest numeral, or you are leaving it as is. if the second number after the decimal (the hundredths place) is 5 or higher, you round up. If 4 or lower, you round down. You only check that number, and no others, when rounding up at this level of, as a result, 8.38 rounded to the nearest tenth is 8.4if it were 8.345, it would be 8.3 rounded to the nearest tenths even though rounded to the hundredths it would be 8.35 and 8.35 rounded to the tenths is 8.4. however if there is such a version of rounding, which could be possible and has been done by me by mistake in the past, I don't know of it.

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rounded up to the nearest dollar $2.47