104 is already expressed as a whole number
104, or 104.0
0.832 = 832/1000 or 104/125 in fraction
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 104/10 is equal to 10.4.
-4.16 in fraction form = -104/25
104/330 = 52/165
104/78 = 4/3 or 11/3
As an improper fraction 1.04 = 26/25 in its simplest form
10.4 = 104/10 = 52/5
104 as an improper fraction is simply 104/1
104 is already expressed as a whole number
0.104 = 104/1,000 = 13/125
104, or 104.0
The fraction 104/126 can be simplified to 4/6, or further reduced to 2/3.
10.4 = 104/10 = 52/5