105/15 = 7
Short answer: 105 Explanation: A whole number is one without a decimal. When you're rounding, take a look at the decimal. if the decimal is less than .50, then you round down to the current whole number, in this case 105. If the decimal is .50 or above, you round up to the next number, in this case, 106. Since the decimal is .27 we round down to 105.
62,00,00,00.00Improved Answer:-It is 0.62 million = 620,000 or as 6.2*105 in scientific notation
an even number between 90 and 105
1 x 105, 3 x 35, 5 x 21, 7 x 15 = 105
105% is equivalent to a mixed fraction. The nearest whole number is 1.105% is equivalent to a mixed fraction. The nearest whole number is 1.105% is equivalent to a mixed fraction. The nearest whole number is 1.105% is equivalent to a mixed fraction. The nearest whole number is 1.
105 over 25 as a mixed number is 41/5
105/15 = 7
105/27 = 35/9 = 38/9
105 Because it is over a half or .5 it is rounded up to the next whole number.
4 1/5
9/105 = 3/35. It is not a mixed number but, if you MUST write it as a mixed number you could write it as 03/35 although I cannot imagine why any sensible person would wish to do so.
0 and 2/5 wouldn't be a mixed number, it would be a fraction. 3 and 0/7 wouldn't be a mixed number, it would be a whole number. 5 and 8/0 wouldn't be a mixed number, it would be a mess. Answer: Technically, by itself, no.
6 and 9/16
It is 104.