12.875 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 12875/1000 = 12 7/8.
4.75 as a mixed number with a fraction in simplest form = 43/4
168 is an integer, not a fraction nor mixed number.
283 is an integer, not a mixed number or fraction.
0.375 is 3/8 as a fraction in its simplest form
188% as an improper fraction is 188/100. As a mixed number, it is 1 88/100. In simplest terms, it is 1 22/25.
4.75 as a mixed number with a fraction in simplest form = 43/4
168 is an integer, not a fraction nor mixed number.
283 is an integer, not a mixed number or fraction.
0.375 is 3/8 as a fraction in its simplest form
As an improper fraction in its simplest form 2.45 is 29/20 As a mixed number in its simplest form 2.45 is 2 and 9/20
116 percent as a fraction or mixed number in simplest form = 29/25 or 14/25
263 is an integer, not a fraction nor a mixed number.
310 is an integer: it is neither a fraction not a mixed number.
264 is an integer; it is neither a fraction not a mixed number.
425 is an integer, not a fraction nor a mixed number.
188% as an improper fraction is 188/100. As a mixed number, it is 1 88/100. In simplest terms, it is 1 22/25.
It is: 0.6 = 3/5 as a fraction in its simplest form