It is 130000.
Nearest hundred: 82600,Nearest ten thousand: 80000.
To the nearest thousand: 36000 To the nearest ten thousand: 40000
Oh, dude, rounding numbers? That's like, so thrilling. So, 129543 rounded to the nearest thousand is 130,000. But like, who really cares about rounding numbers anyway, right? It's not like the world is gonna end if you get it wrong.
It is 130000.
To the nearest 10,000 - it would be 130,000
Nearest hundred: 82600,Nearest ten thousand: 80000.
When rounding 6172438 to the nearest thousand, you look at the hundreds place, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, you round down, making the number 6172000. When rounding to the nearest ten thousand, you look at the ten thousands place, which is 6. Since 6 is greater than 5, you round up, making the number 6180000.
To the nearest thousand: 36000 To the nearest ten thousand: 40000
To the nearest ten, 333630 To the nearest hundred, 333600 To the nearest thousand, 334000 To the nearest ten hundred thousand, zero
Nearest ten THOUSAND : 40000. Nearest ten THOUSANDTH : 43678.4268.
To the nearest ten thousand, the value is zero.
Oh, dude, rounding numbers? That's like, so thrilling. So, 129543 rounded to the nearest thousand is 130,000. But like, who really cares about rounding numbers anyway, right? It's not like the world is gonna end if you get it wrong.
It is 750,000 rounded to the nearest ten thousand