5/14 in decimal form is 0.357142857, with the "142857" being the recurring part of the decimal.
To write a percentage in decimal form, move the decimal (imagine it's 14.0) two spaces to the left. That will make 14% = .14
14/12 = 1.166... where the 6 repeats for ever.
12.14 The whole-number part, 12, is the part left of the decimal point. The position first right of the decimal point is the tenths place; the position second right of the decimal point is the hundredths place. We can't write "14" in the single-column hundredths place. And in fact, 10 hundredths (10/100) is the same as one tenth (1/10), so we can write a "1" in the first position right of the decimal point to stand for the ten-hundredths portion of fourteen hundredths (10 of the 14 hundredths). And the remaining four hundredths (4/100) are indicated by the 4 in the hundredths place.
It is: 14/100 plus 14/10 = 77/50 in its simplest form or 1.54 as a decimal
Expressed as a decimal, 14 28/100 is equal to 14.28.
0.14 is "fourteen hundredths"
The answer is 0.14
decimal form of 14/15 = 0.933314/15= 14 ÷ 15= 0.9333 in decimal