25/1000 as a decimal is 0.025
Expressed as a decimal, 13/15 is equal to 0.86 recurring (that is, 0.86666..) Expressed as a decimal, 22/25 is equal to 0.88. Therefore, the larger fraction is 22/25.
To convert 25% to decimal:1. Remove the % sign.2. Divide 25 by 100.25% = 25/100 0.25 in decimal
If you mean 18/25 then it is 0.72 as a decimal
11/25 is 0.44 as a decimal.
0.4812/25:= 12 ÷ 25= 0.48 in decimal
12 out of 25 is 48.0%
.12 _ __3_ 100 = 25 3x100=300 divided by 25 = 12 move decimal
12/25 = 12 ÷ 25 = 0.48 or 48%
12 over 25 = 0.48
12 percent into a fraction and decimal = 3/25 . 0.12 12%= 12%/100%= 12/100 or 3/25 in fraction= 0.12 in decimal
The fraction is 3/25 and the decimal is .12
It works out that 12 divided by 25 = 0.48 which is a decimal number
25/12 = 2.083 where the 3 repeats.
12/25 = 0.480
12 25ths = 12/25 = 12 divided by 25 = 0.48